Posts Tagged ‘Buddhist Meditation’

Top 5 meditation tips – make it a daily habit

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Modern practitioners of meditation face the same age-old question that meditators have asked themselves and each other for thousands of years: how can I motivate myself to meditate every day? We are aware that meditation is good for us, and yet the pressures of daily life and our various commitments can make it hard to ensure we fit a meditation session into our busy schedule each day. These days, when even major news outlets have sections on meditation tips, we can look to the 2,500 years of Buddhist meditation experience for inspiration.
Here we offer five tried-and-tested meditation tips to overcome the most common problems that beginners and experienced practitioners can encounter in motivating themselves to sit regularly.

Girl meditating in a field

Meditation is one of the healthiest habits we can make


Buddhist meditation guided by Lama Ole Nydahl

Friday, April 22nd, 2011

This short Buddhist meditation, guided by contemporary master Lama Ole Nydahl, is a perfect introduction for beginners to Buddhist practice. Guided meditation is used by Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike, to learn a particular meditation method, and to meditate along with realised masters.
This video provides an easy access to meditation and shows that it is not something mystical or inaccessible:

Lama Ole Nydahl is a highly respected teacher of Buddhist meditation. He gives an empowering approach to daily life focusing on what we truly are: human beings full of potential and living manifestations of love. This direct and practical meditation helps you realise your true potential and make the most of every day. By meditating on the Buddha, who embodies our own inherent qualities of unlimited clarity, compassion, fearlessness and joy, we can develop these qualities in ourselves, manifesting them skilfully in our own lives. Although simple and short, this guided meditation on the Buddha, if practised regularly, has the potential to change our habits and our perceptions.

Buddhist meditation and well being: scientific research

Monday, March 15th, 2010

Prepared by Dr. Peter Malinowski

Dr. Peter Malinowski

Dr. Peter Malinowski

Dr. Peter Malinowski is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the School of Natural Sciences & Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University. He is also a close student of Lama Ole Nydahl, a founding member of the Liverpool Diamond Way Buddhist Centre, travelling teacher, trustee of Diamond Way Buddhism UK, and has been instrumental in the establishment of Diamond Way Buddhism in the UK, particularly in the North of England, since 2001. In this brief article he presents an overview of contemporary research into the psychological and physiological effects of Buddhist meditation.
