Posts Tagged ‘Science’

Lama Ole Nydahl – Buddhism and Science

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011
Lama Ole Nydahl teaching in 2009 (Photo: JR Petersen)

Lama Ole Nydahl teaching in 2009 (Photo: JR Petersen)

This teaching was published in 2005 in Issue 16 of the magazine “Buddhism Today”. The original can be seen at the BuddhaChannel portal.

Buddhism and Science – and interview with Lama Ole Nydahl

Conducted by Artur Przybyslawski at the Diamond Way Buddhist Center Vilnius, Lithuania, on September 25, 2004.


What Happens When We Die?

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010
In connection with Lama Ole Nydahl’s forthcoming teachings in London on “Death and Rebirth“, we reproduce here an article from Time Magazine published two years ago. It is an interview with British scientist Dr. Sam Parnia, an expert on the scientific study of death and author of “What Happens When We Die“.

What Happens When We Die?

By M.J. STEPHEY Thursday, Sep. 18, 2008

Dr. Sam Parnia

Dr. Sam Parnia

A fellow at New York City’s Weill Cornell Medical Center, Dr. Sam Parnia is one of the world’s leading experts on the scientific study of death. Last week Parnia and his colleagues at the Human Consciousness Project announced their first major undertaking: a 3-year exploration of the biology behind “out-of-body” experiences. The study, known as AWARE (AWAreness during REsuscitation), involves the collaboration of 25 major medical centers through Europe, Canada and the U.S. and will examine some 1,500 survivors of cardiac arrest. TIME spoke with Parnia about the project’s origins, its skeptics and the difference between the mind and the brain.

What sort of methods will this project use to try and verify people’s claims of “near-death” experience?

When your heart stops beating, there is no blood getting to your brain. And so what happens is that within about 10 sec., brain activity ceases —as you would imagine. Yet paradoxically, 10% or 20% of people who are then brought back to life from that period, which may be a few minutes or over an hour, will report having consciousness. So the key thing here is, (more…)

Lama Ole Nydahl – The Nature of Reality

Saturday, May 15th, 2010

Einstein said “If there is any religion that could respond to the needs of modern science, it would be Buddhism”. Cutting-edge science and the ancient wisdom of Buddhism have come together to reveal that our true essence is space and joy. In this video Lama Ole Nydhal briefly explains why the science of elementary particles is important to everyday life and what consciousness has to do with science.

Science and Buddhism – video by Lama Ole Nydahl

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

See how two of the world’s most fruitful traditions for understanding the nature of reality and promoting human well-being modern science and Buddhism – come together. Lama Ole Nydhal provides an insight about the revolution which is taking place through modern physics, as well as philosophy. He shows how Buddhism, as a religion of experience, can extend our knowledge and integrates the diverse dimensions of our world.

Modern physics and life sciences have developed enormously in the last years. The natural meeting ground between science and Buddhism is thus at one of the most active research frontiers today; bridging the gap between external and internal descriptions.

Buddhist meditation and well being: scientific research

Monday, March 15th, 2010

Prepared by Dr. Peter Malinowski

Dr. Peter Malinowski

Dr. Peter Malinowski

Dr. Peter Malinowski is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the School of Natural Sciences & Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University. He is also a close student of Lama Ole Nydahl, a founding member of the Liverpool Diamond Way Buddhist Centre, travelling teacher, trustee of Diamond Way Buddhism UK, and has been instrumental in the establishment of Diamond Way Buddhism in the UK, particularly in the North of England, since 2001. In this brief article he presents an overview of contemporary research into the psychological and physiological effects of Buddhist meditation.
