Posts Tagged ‘cyclic universe’

Scientists glimpse universe before the Big Bang

Thursday, November 25th, 2010

A very interesting article recently appeared on the science news website which supports the Buddha’s observation that Samsara or “cyclic existence” is beginningless…   

Scientists glimpse universe before the Big Bang 

November 23, 2010 by Lisa Zyga

Black hole encounters would have repeated themselves several times, with the center of each event remaining at almost exactly the same point in the CMB sky, even when occurring in different aeons. The huge amounts of energy released would appear as spherical, low-variance radiation bursts in the CMB. Image credit: Gurzadyan and Penrose

In general, asking what happened before the Big Bang is not really considered a science question. According to Big Bang theory, time did not even exist before this point roughly 13.7 billion years ago. But now, Oxford University physicist Roger Penrose and Vahe Gurzadyan from the Yerevan Physics Institute in Armenia have found an effect in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) that allows them to “see through” the Big Bang into what came before.  
