Posts Tagged ‘Birmingham’

The Sultanganj Buddha, Birmingham

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Sultanganj Buddha

Sultanganj Buddha

The Sultanganj Buddha is the largest complete bronze figure of its kind in the world. It was found in the North Indian town of Sultanganj, Bhagalpur district, Bihar. The statue has been dated by archaelogists at between 500 to 700 AD. It is 223 centimeters high and 1 meter wide, and weighs about 500kgs. It is a splendid example of the renowned Gupta sculptural style which itself had been shaped by European and Persian influences that came to India through the trade routes with Rome and West Asia. It was cast using the lost wax technique, in which a solid core of clay is overlaid with wax. The sculptor models the fine details in the wax coating. (more…)