Construction of the Kalachakra Stupa in Greece (video)

Previously we blogged about the Kalachakra Stupa being built in Greece. The construction is almost complete now, ready for the stupa’s inauguration on 21-23 August 2010, which will be attended by people from all over the world including many of us from the UK. Here is a video which captures some of the early stages in its construction.

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3 Responses to “Construction of the Kalachakra Stupa in Greece (video)”

  1. Mary Anne Fields says:

    FABULOUS JOB!! Both the video and the stupa. Loved the music choice on this and the filming is exquisite. Thanks so much for sharing. I’ve already watched it several times.

  2. Alle Vlieg says:

    Very nice video !!!!

  3. Great Job Greece crew! An inspiring video of how it all comes together… I was lucky enough to catch some the Stupa initiation on streaming— Add to the list of Stupas I want to visit!

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