Posts Tagged ‘Tibetan New year’

Happy Year of the Iron Hare!

Friday, March 4th, 2011
Mahakala statue in Rumtek Monastery (photo: Peter Mannox)

Mahakala statue in Rumtek Monastery (photo: Peter Mannox)

Tomorrow, 5 March 2011, marks “Losar” – Tibetan New Year 2138. We wish a happy and auspicious Year of the Female Iron Hare to all our readers.

According to Karma Kagyu tradition, on the last day of the Tibetan year, a day-long practice of Black Coat (Tib. Mahakala Bernagchen) is performed to clear away obstacles and negativity of the old year to foster positive circumstances and progress in Dharma practice in the year ahead. The picture above shows statues of the Karma Kagyu protectors – Black Coat is the central form, flanked by Radiant Goddess (Tib. Palden Lhamo) on the left and Good Diamond (Tib. Dorje Legpa) on the right. 
