Statues in our London Buddhist Centre

October 15th, 2010
Diamond Mind and Loving Eyes Statues in the London Diamond Way Buddhist Centre

Diamond Mind and Loving Eyes Statues in the London Diamond Way Buddhist Centre

We’d like to share some impressions from the filling and blessing of the beautiful Buddha statues in our London Buddhist Centre. The filling took place back in February (19-21) 2010 when we had the privilege to host our great friends from Germany – Dagmar, Steffi and Sebastian – who are trained in the traditional art of statue filling.  The statues are of Loving Eyes (Tib.Chenrezig), Diamond Mind (Tib. Dorje Sempa), and Green Liberatrice (Skt. Tara), as well as one of the 16th Karmapa holding the Black Crown.
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Kalu Rinpoche, Hannah and Lama Ole in the UK, 1975

October 11th, 2010

Kalu Rinpoche and students in Samye Ling 1975 (photo: Peter Mannox)

Kalu Rinpoche and students in Samye Ling 1975 (photo: Peter Mannox)

This historical picture was taken during Kalu Rinpoche’s visit to the West in 1975 at Samye Ling Tibetan Centre, Scotland by Peter Mannox. It was during the life of the 16th Karmapa, in the early years of the encounter between Tibetan Buddhism and the West, and the times when the Karma Kagyu school was united. Can you spot a young Hannah and Ole Nydahl on the far right of the shot? (click on photo to enlarge)

River Dart Retreat, 1-3 October 2010

October 11th, 2010
The River Dart retreatants!

The River Dart retreatants!

From 1-3 October 2010 the Exeter Diamond Way sangha hosted a weekend retreat in Devon, near the River Dart. Friends from several groups in the South of England gathered together to listen to inspiring Buddhist teachings, meditate and deepen their practice and friendships. Lectures were given by two experienced travelling teachers, Steve James from London, and Peter Gomez from Karma Guen, Spain. Read the rest of this entry »

The legend of Tara, female Buddha of Compassion

October 7th, 2010

Green Tara

Green Tara

The legend of Tara, as recounted by lamas such as Taranatha (1575–1634), explains that countless eons ago, during the life of a former historical Buddha, there was a princess called Wisdom Moon (Tib. Yeshe Dawa). She received instructions from the Buddha on developing bodhicitta, the intention to reach enlightenment for the benefit of all beings, and first took the Bodhisattva Promise in his presence.

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Lama on Tour – Lama Ole Nydahl’s photostream on Flickr

October 4th, 2010

Starting this year, a Flickr photostream was established to record and share photos from Lama Ole’s various courses, lectures, travels and other activities. The photostream is regularly updated and is a great way to keep up to date with what Lama Ole has been doing. The link is and it is possible to subscribe via RSS feed (we’ve added one on the right-hand sidebar of the DWBUK blog). Enjoy!

“Sculptural Perfection!” – statue of Red Wisdom

October 2nd, 2010
Close-up of Red Wisdom's face

Close-up of Red Wisdom's face

The Himalayan Art website has just posted this blog entry aptly entitled “Sculptural Perfection”:

This Vajravarahi sculpture, for its time and type, is surely one of the finest ever created. Also view the five detail images. The face is beautiful although likely re-painted in the recent past. The body proportions and movement are excellent. The ornamentation is precise and detailed, also textually accurate. The elaborate scarf (not part of the textual description) is beautifully excessive with studded semi-precious stones – likely original to the piece – framing the central figure and bringing the entire sculpture to a fullness that is greater than the sum of the parts. Sculptural perfection – art and iconography!

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16th Karmapa on obstacles

September 30th, 2010
H.H. 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje

H.H. 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje

“When you do things, then obstacles will come and you can go through them. Obstacles are a sign of success”

– H.H. 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje

Diamond Way Buddhism Audio Podcast – by Lama Ole Nydahl

September 27th, 2010
Diamond Way Buddhism Audio Podcast

Diamond Way Buddhism Audio Podcast

If you’re an iTunes/iPod/iPhone user, why not download this series of free podcasts featuring Buddhist teachings by Lama ole Nydahl?  The Diamond Way Buddhism Audio Podcast channel can be accessed here

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